We provide legal assistance and protect the interests of creatives and companies working in the entertainment industry. We specialize in various legal areas specific to the entertainment industry, which includes film, television, music, publishing, and licensing, among others. We have a broad understanding of the entertainment business and its many facets. We can be essential for creatives and entertainers. We are well-positioned to assist anyone from actors, musicians, writers, directors, and producers, as well as companies and studios.

Some of our common duties include negotiating, protecting a client’s intellectual property, advising on legal matters, and connecting their clients with others in the industry.

Here are a few examples of these common duties:

  • Negotiating: Contracts in the entertainment industry can be complex. It is important to protect your interests. We can advocate for you by negotiating fair terms for a project. This is especially crucial to ensure that you’re compensated fairly when other parties are involved, such as a production company, talent agency, or a studio because contract terms and conditions go through multiple revisions.
  • Guarding Intellectual Property: Intellectual property, or IP, in the U.S. is valued at over $6.5 trillion. It’s big business and sometimes the largest source of income for creatives. That’s why protecting your IP is very important. Whether you’ve written a song or a script, we can protect your interests by setting terms when others want to license, option, or buy your work. We can also further protect your interests by advising you on legal action if your work is infringed upon.
  • Advising: We can be a tremendous resource, especially when it comes to matters that are beyond a client’s expertise. We can help you navigate these issues and answer questions about issues like labor laws, including child labor laws, payroll, union and guild matters, and more.

Agents and lawyers are not the same. An agent brings you the job or project, and an entertainment lawyer ensures that you are legally protected in the process. A talent agent assists in finding and securing work for their clients, negotiating the terms of a contract, scheduling auditions, and booking projects. In contrast, we can help draft and negotiate deals and contracts on behalf of their clients and offer legal guidance on a broad range of issues occurring within their careers.

Requesting a consultation is the first step in beginning the process. You can email us directly or fill out our contact form by clicking here. We provide consultations to understand your goals and what you need from a legal perspective.