While writing can be a creatively fulfilling endeavor, it also presents many obstacles for authors to overcome. The writing process requires dedication, perseverance, and resilience in the face of challenges. In this blog post, I will explore some common difficulties writers face and provide strategies for conquering writer’s block, coping with rejection, managing self-doubt, and more.


1.1     Dealing with Writer’s Block

One of the biggest hurdles writers must overcome is writer’s block – those frustrating periods where inspiration seems scarce and the words simply won’t flow. Writer’s block can stem from anything from stress and tiredness to fear of failure or perfectionism. However, there are steps writers can take to bust through blocks:

  • Brainstorming: Jot down thoughts, ideas or scenes without editorial filter. Freewriting gets words on the page.
  • Research deeper: Conduct further research to unearth new angles or facts when lacking direction.
  • Take a break: Step away from the computer for a walk, errands or hobby to de-stress before trying again later.
  • Set a timer: Give yourself 20-30 minutes of writing time with no objectives other than putting words down.
  • Simplify the task: Work on one-sentence summaries or outlines instead of full paragraphs initially.

With patience and by using brainstorming prompts, breaks or simplifying techniques, writer’s block is surmountable.


1.2    Facing Criticism and Rejection

Dealing with harsh reviews or rejections from publishers requires inner strength. While criticism inevitably hurts our pride, it’s important for writers to remember:

  • Rejection reflects the tastes/preferences of only one reader, not objective quality.
  • Treat each “no” as constructive feedback on marketing or fitting audiences, not your whole ability.
  • Resubmit to new readers after addressing critique rather than giving up.
  • Focus on praise for motivation, knowing setbacks occur even for bestsellers.
  • Join critique groups for support during vulnerable times from peers.

By developing thick skin and focusing on growth instead of worthiness, writers can overcome the sting of rejection.


1.3    Managing Self-Doubt and Perfectionism

Internal doubts and perfectionism present huge obstacles, but writers can work to quiet inner critics:

  • Accept writing will always have room for improvement and focus on the joy in the craft, not flaws.
  • Establish writing habits and goals above critique to build momentum and confidence.
  • Share works-in-progress with supportive others for encouragement before finalizing.
  • Join communities where imperfection and vulnerability are accepted parts of the process.
  • Reserve self-editing for later – write freely without inner judgment initially.

Acknowledging fallibility as human lessens need for flawlessness, allowing the pure joy of writing to shine through doubts.


1.4    Overcoming Procrastination

Procrastination arises from things like fear, distraction or inner resistance. But small steps each day ensure progress:

  • Remove electronics/alerts that tempt diversions while writing.
  • Set a reasonable, achievable daily word count that maintains momentum.
  • Reward word sprints with quick breaks to feel accomplished vs. pressured.
  • Write first drafts longhand away from machines for deeper focus.
  • Join an online writing group that checks in daily for mutual accountability.

By making writing a consistent priority through guilt-free sessions, procrastination loses power over the process.


1.5    Combating Financial Instability

The insecure financial reality for many writers contributes greatly to stress and doubt. However, having multiple income streams and open communication between spouses about money reduces pressure:

  • Teach remotely or online to earn from writing skills consistently.
  • Publish frequently across short forms to build readership gradually.
  • Pursue freelance writing, editing or ghostwriting projects regularly.
  • Establish savings and budgets to feel secure taking career risks creatively.

Achieving balanced understanding with partners allows writers freedom in their craft despite uncertainties.


1.6    Maintaining a Work-Life Balance

Well-being is crucial to writing quality and joyfully over the long-term. Writers must therefore protect down time and relationships:

  • Schedule writing shifts and hard stop points each day respected non-negotiably.
  • Declutter home spaces and errands for restorative downtime after targets met.
  • Spend set weeknights and weekends present with relationships unplugged.
  • Prioritize exercise, nature, hobbies and volunteering to reduce stress holistically.

By making self-care as much a priority as word counts, writing adds fulfillment instead of anxiety to one’s life overall.


1.7    Conclusion

While the challenges inherent in any writing career can feel insurmountable, applying strategies like regular brainstorming, accepting criticism as growth, establishing supportive structures, and maintaining balance empower authors to overcome obstacles standing between their stories and readers. With dedication to craft and wellness, writers evolve the resiliency to thrive beyond each hurdle that arises along the journey.