Adult Autism Assesments

Unlocking Unique Autism Perspectives

Navigating life on the spectrum can be puzzling, especially when you only discover your autism later in life. You may relate to traits like social challenges, sensitivity to stimuli, or rigid thinking patterns without understanding why. Getting a professional autism diagnosis as an adult provides clarity and meaning.
My adult autism assessments are tailored to your unique needs. Through two in-depth conversations, I carefully evaluate all aspects of your life experience to determine whether you’re on the spectrum. I combine interviews, questionnaires, and objective testing with genuine warmth and compassion. You’ll feel heard, understood, and empowered with insights to make positive changes. My streamlined process simplifies your path to self-awareness. I provide objective, comprehensive results without bureaucratic red tape or extra fees. If having an official autism diagnosis helps you at school or work, I’m happy to supply the detailed documentation you need to succeed.
If self-discovery could change your life, contact me today to schedule your insightful autism assessment.

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