Thousands of
Real Estate Investors
Trust Us Each Year

Whether you have 2 or 2,000 properties, we make
lending easy. Connect to your local direct lending
expert today!

Apply for Loan

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Receive Letter of Intent

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Underwriting & Funding

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About Us

More Than Just Your
Real Estate Lender

Successful real estate investing takes a team of highly skilled experts all working toward the same goal. At Lima One we truly believe in the importance of being a reliable part of our clients’ teams and in helping them achieve their goals. From initial conversation to final payoff, we’re here for you.

Successful real estate investing takes a team of highly skilled experts all working toward the same goal. At Lima One we truly believe in the importance of being a reliable part of our clients’ teams and in helping them achieve their goals. From initial conversation to final payoff, we’re here for you.

Our Services

We Provide Awesome Services

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Rental Loans
Fix & Flip Loans
New Construction Loans
New Construction Loans

Grow Your Real Estate
Investment Business With
Our Industry


A line of credit from Lima One provides you with certainty, knowing you have easily accessible capital for your investments, with reliable terms and structures, whenever you need it.


Your line of credit can be used to finance multiple product types, including new construction, bridge, build-to-rent, fix & flip, and rental properties.


As a leading private lender, our average time from initial submission to borrower approval is under 10 days.

Key Features

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For Free Consultation

+123 456 7890