New Release I Can Walk Tall Today

A Book By Victor Negus

Vic Negus recounts his journey from auto parts manager to radio deejay, journalist, and beyond, guided by unwavering faith through the challenges of career changes and battling mental illness.

WHY Victor Negus?

Exploring Life's Depth and Meaning Through Words


Find Purpose and Resilience in Life's Unexpected Journey

Guidance through Adversity:
Discover how faith in God navigates life’s challenges.
Resilience in Diversity:
From auto parts to radio, embrace diverse career insights.
Mental Health Insights:
Learn from Vic and Cheryl’s battle with mental illness.
Personal Growth:
Explore Vic’s journey to align with God’s purpose.
Humor and Heart:
Enjoy humor and poignant moments from Vic’s life.
Inspiration for All:
Find strength and inspiration in Vic’s unwavering faith.


Learn about the book writter

An Inspiring Voice of Faith and Resilience Victor Owen Negus

Vic Negus is not just a storyteller but a beacon of faith and resilience. From navigating diverse careers to confronting challenges like mental illness with unwavering faith, Vic’s life journey reflects a deep commitment to embracing God’s purpose. Through his writing, Vic shares personal insights and humor, inviting readers to find inspiration and strength in their own life’s journey.

Book By Victor Negus


Embracing Life's Challenges with Faith and Fortitude

Career Diversity:

Experienced in diverse roles from auto parts manager to radio deejay and journalist.

Mental Health Advocate:

Shares candidly about navigating mental illness alongside his wife Cheryl.

Faith Journey:

Guided by a steadfast faith in God through life’s twists and challenges.

Humor and Insight:

Offers a blend of humor and profound insights in his storytelling and reflections.


Turning Life's Trials into Triumphs



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Readers reviews
is self explanatory – 5/5


Insights and Inspiration: Explore Life's Depths Through Our Blogs


Voices of Inspiration: Hear Our Stories of Faith and Resilience

John S. Reader

"Vic's journey is a testament to faith and perseverance. His story inspired me to embrace challenges with renewed courage."

Michael P. Reader

"Vic's ability to find humor in life's ups and downs is refreshing. His stories remind us all to keep smiling through adversity."

Emily L. Reader

"Reading Vic's experiences with mental illness and faith strengthened my own journey. His honesty and humor made a deep impact on me."

Sarah H. Reader

"I found Vic's memoir deeply moving. His reflections on aligning with God's will resonate with anyone seeking purpose and meaning in life."

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